Saturday, July 16, 2011

What Inspires You To Survive?

When times get hard, some people are easily discouraged and give up at the drop of a hat. Others become more determined to dig in and make a go of it, no matter what they encounter. Which category do you plan to be in? Which category have you taught or are teaching your children to be a part of? I am reminded of a very moving scene in the movie, Schindler's List, that occured in a concentration camp when children who have been hidden from the Nazi's are being discovered. One child has such a strong desire to survive that he actually hides in the human excrement of a laterine. Unbelievable, I know. But that is an ultimate example of a strong will to survive. No matter what storms may come in life, we can take comfort that there will eventually be a better day, a better time. It may not be evident at the time we are struggling. There are times we just have to let our faith comfort and sustain us until it is easier to carry on. What has inspired you to survive?

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